Long Run Report: Let the Ducks Sleep.
Sunday is long run day. The day distance runners look to and prepare for. The weather is perfect for a long run, but I'm not going to log more than 2 miles today.
My body is wrecked and I'm going to listen to it. Distance running has taught me to pay attention to the needs of my body and not to discount my instincts.
When someone near has #ALZ, you learn to take the good with the bad. Days can feel like years, yet moments fly by. #ALZ destroys more that the memories of the individual, thus my need to sleep.
So I'm headed back to Dreamland as soon as I can, plus the ducks need sleep to!
I did get 12 miles in on the bike yesterday, I think that counts. So the ducks can sleep in peace ☮️. I'm sure they dislike me running near their abode in the wee hours of the morning before sunrise because I'm logging miles.
Morale of the story? Does there have to be one?
Okay, respect your body needs. So many of us ignore the need for our bodies to heal and repair itself through quality sleep and rest. When we ignore this need, the body will get our attention. Many times through injuries.
Training takes its toll. Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew and become a slave to the training plan. Losing sight of why we do what we do. Addicted to checking a box instead of leveraging the plan to stay healthy in order to face the hectic world and reality. The training becomes work and not the escape it should be when we balance the physical needs of our bodies with it's other needs.
Life throws you curve balls and there is no reason to be stupid and risk injuring yourself because there is a number on a training plan. The ducks will be there tomorrow for you to wake up in the morning. #letheduckssleeptoday #listentoyourbody #dontbeaslavetotheplan
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