Bucket List Runs

9:35 PM

The famous "Bucket List."  Well if I'm going to go out, here are some of the races / places, in no particular order, I would like to experience before I cross that final finish line of life.  Plus this list is fluid, just like life, so if it changes, it simply changes. 
I'm making some life changes in an attempt to make this list attainable.  Tired of making excuses for myself or why I should not or can not.

It's not that I couldn't travel in the pass, it's more I failed to make proper decisions or made decisions that countered my desire to see more of the world.

You can't have it all.  You have to decide what you want and actively work toward the goal.  Lists are just lists without action and sacrifice.

Time to sacrifice and see what I can see before the final stretch.  And it's time I stop allowing others to use me as their sacrifice for their mistakes preventing me from living and experiencing my life.

The older I get the more my fuckit list grows and the more my list becomes important, despite the list being fluid (outside of #1).  No one runs my race of life but me and it's time I take more responsibility for the race I run before the finish line comes for me.

Ultimately I would like to see all seven continents before it's over.  

Get out there and run your race, whatever your race is.  Could be basket weaving, just weave your baskets.   

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