Oh where oh where Osmo Nutrition???


I know. Where have the heck have I been for starters? Been a rough year y'all. And I do everything WITHOUT a laptop. So posting is a challenge itself without the challenges that life seems to want to throw at me none stop. #yesimwhinning

But this isn't about me, per se. Well it is, but more specifically Osmo Nutrition.

Seems they are no longer. And this is horrible as I recently discovered them and they were my go to for recovery shakes! It's difficult to find a product that agrees with your system, your stomach doesn't protest, your body responds well to, and tastes great! But they are no more.

Here's advice to learn from my mistake. If you find the perfect product for you, then buy that ish in bulk! You feel me fam!?!? Don't be mid training cycle having to begin a new like I'm having to do just four weeks out from my first 100K.

As a result, I've been researching and researching. Looking at labels, reading reviews, watching YouTube trying to find a replacement recovery protein mix, as I baby my last three servings of Osmo Acute Recovery Mix.

So there's a variety pack of Vega Sport goods headed my way as a result. Why did I choose Vega over the slew of options out there by bigger names? Sugar.

Osmo only had 5g of sugar per serving, along with ingredients I could pronounce. Many products had a much as 40 grams of sugar per serving! With insane levels of sodium, in one case near 300 grams per serving! I know salts are important, but the way I fuel during I'm not suffering from sodium loss.

So we'll see. This has unnerved me. Has me frightened. My body, my mind, my emotions, have gelled during this crazy training schedule with the mixed challenges of life and work. And now something that I had grown to love and trust is no more.

Nothing lasts forever, and I'm forced to find something anew. Or die. Lol! Be good y'all.


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