The secret weapon to being a better runner: A better you

10:06 PM
Everyone is looking for the magic pill.  The wonder gear.  The hype beast of running tech to take you further.  Faster.  Frequently.

If you peruse  facebook, Running blogs, or running editorials, you will find them.  Articles beyond articles of what you should do to be better, badder, broker.

You want to find the golden chalice.  They want you to pay for your quest to find it through products and clicks (online advertising).  Hell, the blog title itself is click bait to get you to click here to find your next better, fitter, faster, improved you.

You wont find the secret weapon on any internet page.  You wont be able to buy it in any store.  You wont be able to order that shit on Amazon Prime via Alexa.

And this is about to sound corny as hell, but here it is.  The thing you're looking for can't be found.

The magic of your pursuit is within.  Between those two pointy ass ears of yours.  That thing that you can't shut off.  Your mind that is screaming there has to be a more efficient and effective way.

You know what?  There is a more efficient and effective way.  And it starts with those demons within.  Those voices inside.

If you started your journey for the wrong reasons, you will fail.  You will hit your limit.  You will find your end.  You will not succeed.   And there's no watch, shoe, shorts, shirt, socks, hat, or suntan spray that will be able to resurrect your failure.

Trinkets, tech, and nutrition fads may extend your torture, but eventually those distractions will fail you and you'll find yourself just as empty as the day you set out to become a better you.

So the question that we must visit and continually revisit during your journey is "Why"?

  • Why are you here?  
  • Why did you start?  
  • Why are you getting up at dark o'thirty?  
  • Why are you sweating?  
  • Why is your body a sun tritone color?  
  • Why are you icing?  
  • Why are you putting up with the pain?
  • Why are you forsaking sleep?
  • Why are you pushing your limits?  
  • Why are you pushing? 
  • Why?

If you're answer is anything other than "I'm doing this for me and me only."  Then frankly you're fucked.

Any change will challenge you in ways that will tear at your very soul and if you're not in it 100% for you and you alone, then you will tear yourself apart chasing someone else's goal, dream, or ideal.

Let's be frank.  Running is not the best sport to get into if you're trying to loose weight.  No matter what you believe, it simply isn't the most effective way to loose weight.  You might as well just walk routinely.

If you're into running for loosing weight, get out NOW!  High Intensity Interval Training is best for that.  Good luck with that.

If you're into running to shape your body into some social expectation perpectuated by commercial and folks who are paid to look a certain way?  Well good luck with that.  Wrong sport.  Wrong ideology matter of fact,  But do yourself a favor and stop NOW!

If you think running is going to make someone...   You know what?  Yeah, Stop NOW!

Take a moment.  OR TWO.  Hell take THREE!

Sit in the shower and think about the why.  Cry if you must.   Shed a tear.  Face the demon within that have you feeling a certain way and look that fucker in the eye and scream "boo byotch!"

You have to work with what you got.  You have to begin with where you are.  You have to be prepared for a whole lot of dark, hard, and quite frankly fucked up days to get where you want to go.  And you have to be willing to adapt your expectations to work within your current abilities and physical limitations.

And when you begin, you're not going to like what you have to work with.  It will be fucking miserable.  When I started running I hated every fucking second of it.  My body ached in ways that are indescribable.  I didn't know what I was doing.  I was constantly embarrassed.

Yes em-fuck'n-barrassed.  I know it was worse in my head than in reality, but it was my experience.  My reality.

Regardless of what you read or savvy quotes others may shower you with, you have limitations!  Deal with it!  Accept them!  Love them!  And then use them to guide you to a more scary better place!

The you within is more powerful than any tech, gear, trinket, or mantra ever.  Because when the pain train comes, when the bad days hit,  when darkness falls; all you're left with is the will inside that starts with the question "why?"

Your "why" will take you farther than any new scientifically proven elastomeric energy returning space foam in the soles of a shoe that only a small percentage of freaks of Olympic nature can take advantage of.

Find your "why."  Then go farther, faster than you ever believed.

Plus after you find your "why" you have a reason to buy all the gear, trinkets, shoes, shorts, and shirts your heart desire.  They will no longer be substitutes but they will truly serve a purpose for the "why" within.

For me?  My why is because I deserve to treat myself better than I had treated myself.  I deserved to be a better steward to the body that I was given.  I wanted to be healthier for me, because no one was going to look out for me the way I can look out for myself.  I was, I am worth it to me.

I continue to step out of my own shadow and darkness.  I'm not there yet.  It's a daily struggle.  There is no destination other than making sure I do my part to keep this machine running as effectively, efficiently, and as healthy as possible through the activity I've chosen.  Running.

Out of your darkness, a greater you awaits.  You first have to believe you can.  You have to.  Because it doesn't matter if others believe in you or not.  Only you will be there for you when you need you most when your body, your essence, and your soul screams out "why!?!?"  You can fire up your secret weapon and fire back, "because I matter to me.  This is for me and me alone.  Now hold my hand byotch and let's skip to the lou our ass forward."  

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